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The following five points should be paid attention to when using the frozen meat slicer

The following five points should be paid attention to when using the хөлдөөсөн мах зүсэгч

1. Осол гэмтлээс зайлсхийхийн тулд ажил дээрээ бусадтай ярихыг хатуу хориглоно.

2. The frozen meat slicer should take slices during use, and it is strictly forbidden for non-staff to take slices.

3. It is forbidden to randomly connect the wires of the mutton slicer, and the switch and socket must be on the wall. When cleaning or cleaning the equipment, prevent water from splashing on the power supply.

4. When the frozen meat slicer is working, in case of emergency, the emergency brake switch should be turned off immediately.

5. Ажил хийдэггүй хүмүүсийг ажлын байранд зөвшөөрөлгүйгээр нэвтрэхийг хориглоно.

The following five points should be paid attention to when using the frozen meat slicer-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler