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Хонины мах хэрчэгч ямар бүтэцтэй вэ

ямар бүтэцтэй вэ хонины мах хэрчэгч

1. Lifting mechanism of pneumatic bottle: Binzhou mutton slicer and beef slicer use pneumatic support bottle, and the air compression can be circulated in the loop pipe to reduce power consumption, so it has a self-relieving effect, the support is stable, and time is saved.

2. Mechanical and pneumatic hybrid lifting mechanism: the sleeve equipped with the bottle holder can slide along the hollow plunger, and the square block plays a guiding role to prevent the sleeve from being deflected when it is raised and lowered.

3. Механик савыг өргөх механизм: Энэ төрлийн бүтэц нь харьцангуй энгийн боловч ажлын найдвартай байдал муу. Зүсмэлүүд нь гулсуурын дагуу өсдөг бөгөөд энэ нь зүсмэлүүдийг шахахад хялбар байдаг. Зүссэн бүтээгдэхүүний чанар маш өндөр, ялангуяа гацсан хоолойг нугалж болохгүй. , жижиг хагас автомат хийгүй хонины мах хэрчэхэд тохиромжтой.

In addition, the slicer is generally combined with the operation of the cam guide rail, so that the lifting movement of the sliced slices is fast and accurate, and the quality and quantity are guaranteed. This type of equipment is widely used, especially for the isobaric slicer, because it is equipped with air Compression devices, and thus structural features of this type are more widely used.

Хонины мах хэрчэгч ямар бүтэцтэй вэ-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler