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Kukosha kwekugadzira zvine musoro kwemutton slicer

Kukosha kwekunzwisisa dhizaini ye mutton slicer

If the design of the lamb slicing machine is unreasonable, it may cause some minor problems in the working process. Therefore, a reasonable design of the slicing machine is very important for both the machine itself and the user.

1. Iyo yekuongorora gomba chivharo chemutton slicer yakanyanya kutetepa, uye zviri nyore kukanganisa mushure mekuomesa mabhaudhi, zvichiita kuti nzvimbo yakabatana isaenzana uye inodonha mafuta kubva pagomba rekusangana;

2. There is no oil return groove on the body, and the lubricating oil accumulates in the shaft seal, end cover, joint surface, etc., and leaks from the gap under the action of the pressure difference;

3. During the operation of the lamb slicing machine, the oil pool is greatly agitated, and the lubricating oil splashes everywhere in the machine. If the amount of oil is too much, a large amount of lubricating oil will accumulate on the shaft seal, joint surface, etc., resulting in leakage;

4. Early mutton slicers ainyanya kushandisa mafuta groove uye kunzwa mhete mhando shaft chisimbiso chimiro, izvo zvakaita kuti kunzwa kudzvanywa uye kuremara panguva yekuungana, uye gonhi repamusoro pemajoini rakavharwa;

5. When the equipment is overhauled, due to the incomplete removal of dirt on the joint surface, improper selection of sealant, reverse installation of the seal, and failure to replace the seal in time, it may also cause oil leakage.

Kune mutton slicer, dhizaini inonzwisisika ndiyo imwe yenzira dzinoshanda dzekuvandudza kushanda zvakanaka, uye zvakare inzira yekuwedzera hupenyu hwayo hwesevhisi uye kuwedzera kushanda kwayo.

Kukosha kwekugadzira zvine musoro kwemutton slicer-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi