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How to adjust the beef and mutton slicer in daily use

Maitiro ekugadzirisa iyo nyama yemombe uye mutton slicer mukushandiswa kwezuva nezuva

1. Strictly check whether the wiring is correct according to the wiring diagram of the beef and mutton slicer, whether the manual control of jog and stop control is correct and reliable, and check whether the running direction of the main motor is correct.

2. Mafuta ekuzora anofanirwa kuwedzerwa kugiya rekudzikisa giya revhiri rekudhonza, mwero wemafuta unofanirwa kuchengetwa kumusoro kwehonye, ​​uye iyo hydraulic mafuta tanki inofanirwa kuwedzerwa ne-anti-wear hydraulic mafuta kumutsara wemafuta. .

3. Unganidza pombi imwe neimwe yemafuta maererano nemusimboti wekushanda, uye chete mushure mekusimbisa kuti hapana chiitiko chisina kujairika chakadai sekuvharirwa kwechikamu chimwe nechimwe, inogona kutanga yakaoma kumhanya bvunzo yemombe uye mutton slicer.

Choosing the matching model of accessories, proper refueling, etc. are all daily adjustments to the beef and mutton slicer. As a commonly used food machine, it must be kept clean before use to prevent food from being contaminated.

How to adjust the beef and mutton slicer in daily use-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi