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How to adjust the beef and mutton slicer in daily use

Ungayishintsha kanjani i- inyama yenkomo kanye nenyama yemvu ekusetshenzisweni kwansuku zonke

1. Strictly check whether the wiring is correct according to the wiring diagram of the beef and mutton slicer, whether the manual control of jog and stop control is correct and reliable, and check whether the running direction of the main motor is correct.

2. Amafutha okugcoba kufanele engezwe ebhokisini legiya lokunciphisa lesondo lokudonsa, izinga likawoyela kufanele ligcinwe endizeni ephezulu yesibungu, futhi ithangi likawoyela we-hydraulic kufanele lengezwe ngamafutha e-hydraulic anti-wear emgqeni wezinga likawoyela. .

3. Xhuma ipayipi ngalinye likawoyela ngokwesimiso sokusebenza, futhi ngemva kokuqinisekisa kuphela ukuthi asikho isenzakalo esingavamile esinjengokuvinjelwa kwesistimu yengxenye ngayinye, ungaqala ukuhlolwa kokugijima okomile kwesisiki senyama yenkomo neyemvu.

Choosing the matching model of accessories, proper refueling, etc. are all daily adjustments to the beef and mutton slicer. As a commonly used food machine, it must be kept clean before use to prevent food from being contaminated.

How to adjust the beef and mutton slicer in daily use-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler