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Taxadirrada doorashada feedhaha

Taxadarka loogu talagalay choosing a rib slicer

With the steadily increasing quality of domestically-made blades, there is no big difference between imported and domestically produced blades. Product description: High efficiency, 120 slices per minute can be sliced. The double-guided advancing system ensures the uniformity of the slice advancement, fully automatic operation, and saves labor costs. The safety protection performance is good. Stainless steel chassis, overall seam welding. The machine can cut out rough rolls, thin rolls, long rolls, straight film and other roll types. The slicing machine manufacturer is a slicing machine capable of vertical cutting in the slicing machine industry. The meat of 8 minus 18 degrees that has not been thawed can be sliced ​​on the machine, and the meat will not be broken, forming a neat appearance. All cutting parts are easy to clean and can be disassembled without tools. No sharpening, the unique design eliminates the trouble of sharpening users, and greatly reduces the cost of users.

Ka dib markaan iibsano hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da, waxaan u baahanahay inaan dhaqaaqno oo aan rarino. Waa maxay dhibaatooyinka ay tahay inaan fiiro gaar ah u yeelano waqtigan?

1. Transportation: In addition to the user-specified packaging method, during the transportation of the beef and mutton slicer, the beef slab rib slicer generally adopts simple packaging, and pay attention to handle it carefully to avoid collision.

2. After transporting and unpacking, you can use a forklift to fork at the bottom of the main box in front of the beef and mutton slicer, but the length of the fork legs is long enough to exceed the machine crossbar.

3. Soosaarayaasha saxarada hilibka lo’da waa in ay had iyo jeer fiiro gaar ah u yeeshaan in jihada hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da ay sax tahay marka la rarayo hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da. Isla mar ahaantaana, waa inay had iyo jeer fiiro gaar ah u yeeshaan deegaanka ku hareeraysan si looga fogaado isku dhac.

4. After the production location of the equipment is selected, when the beef and mutton slicer is parked on the ground, relevant staff should be supported nearby to prevent the equipment from turning over due to uneven parking and bringing the equipment Unnecessary damage. 5. After the beef and mutton slicer is placed flat, it must be tested before the timing of the power connection. In order to prevent the beef and mutton slicer from being lost during transportation, you can refer to the precautions we introduced, and pay attention to one point in the actual operation.

Hilibka lo’da iyo hilibka hilibka lo’da ee hilibka lo’da waa qalab caadi ahaan loo isticmaalo in lagu jarjaro hilibka. Waxaa jira noocyo badan oo ah jeexjeexayaasha feedhaha saxadda hilibka lo’da. Marka aan dooranno isticmaalka, waa in aan marka hore fahamno sifooyinka aasaasiga ah ee qalabka, ka dibna dooran qalabka ku habboon si aan u siinno ciyaar buuxda qalabka. Saamaynta.

Taxadirrada doorashada feedhaha-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler