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Habka warshadaynta hilibka hilibka lo’da

Habka warshadaynta hilibka hilibka lo’da

Hot pot and other delicacies are loved by people. Now, to make hot pot, you need to use a mutton slicer to slice the mutton. When making other dishes, you also need to use a slicer to cut the meat. It saves time and effort. After its production and acceptance, its factory process What’s it like?

1. Marka la eego dhismaha tayada biyaha ee biyaha jilicsan, biyaha ku jira nidaamka jeexjeexa hilibka hilibka doofaarka iyo tayada biyaha ee haanta jilicsan waa in marka hore si taxadar leh loo hubiyo. Haddii la go’aamiyo in uu u qalmo, waa lagu duri karaa.

2. Some new systems cannot be used interchangeably with the mutton slicer immediately. First, the new system needs to be operated at a specified time period, and after it has an operating mode, it can be incorporated into the system for use;

3. Keep the pipe network clean, whether it is before or after work, in order to make the lamb slicer run smoother.

Because the thickness of the lamb cut by the lamb slicer is uniform, and the cut lamb is tender, fat and thin, and delicious, many restaurants and restaurants will use it. Before transporting the slicer to various places for sale, understand its delivery process. Is necessary.

Habka warshadaynta hilibka hilibka lo’da-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler