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Како се носити са изненадним искључењем апарата за сечење смрзнутог меса

How to deal with the sudden disconnection of резач смрзнутог меса

1. First cut off the loose steel wire at the broken wire of the frozen meat slicer, leaving two steel wire ends 10 cm longer than the distance between the guide wheels.

2. Користите груби брусни папир за брушење пречника два краја челичне жице до једне половине до две трећине оригиналне челичне жице, а дужина треба да буде већа од 5 цм. Користите фини брусни папир да загладите површину челичне жице, а затим користите алкохол. Оперите два краја челичне жице.

3. The two steel wire ends with 5 cm sand removed are overlapped and welded together. In this process, one end of the heavy steel is used to weld a steel wire with an electric iron. Then use fine sandpaper to smooth the welding place of the frozen meat slicer and wash it with alcohol.

4. There should be a long section of the steel wire that is loose, and run the loose section to the guide rail. The welding head completely runs out of the guide wheel, and the length of a wire from the end of the guide wheel is divided by the groove distance of the guide wheel and then multiplied by the length of one circle of the steel wire guide wheel.

Како се носити са изненадним искључењем апарата за сечење смрзнутог меса-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler