- 07
- Sep
Kumaha carana ngabedakeun antara alus jeung goréng mutton slicer
Kumaha carana ngabedakeun antara alus jeung goréng pangiris daging domba
1. Tingali dina kualitas sabeulah. Kualitas sabeulah nangtukeun umur layanan sarta speed slicing sakabéh slicer.
2. Tingali dina jumlah compressors. Pengiris daging domba gaduh motor tunggal sareng motor ganda. Motor ganda didorong ku hiji motor pikeun motong sareng ngadorong daging. Motor tunggal hartina hiji motor ngajalankeun dua tugas, sarta kakuatan leuwih badag batan motor ganda. Motor of a slicer domba alus nyaeta stainless steel.
3. Look at the operation mode of the blade. Most of them use the structural element to rotate the single blade, and the circular saw will automatically slide down when the meat is stuck, while some high-quality slicers use the chain to drive the blade to rotate, and the turbine worm to drive the output. The design is more user-friendly.