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Maintenance method of frozen meat cutting machine

Maintenance method of frozen meat cutting machine

1, the slices are unbalanced, not shiny and produce more powder.

(1) Reasons: The blade is not sharp; the hardness of the slice is too high; the adhesive of the sliced material will adhere to the blade; it is not uniform.

(2) Maintenance method: take out the blade with a grindstone and sharp; put the sliced material; remove the blade to grind the adhesive

2. The motor of the frozen meat cutting machine will not run when it is powered on.

(1) Cause: Poor power contact or loose plug; bad switch contact.

(2) Maintenance method: repair the power supply or switch; repair or replace the same specification switch.

3. When the frozen meat cutting machine is working, the motor stops rotating.

(1) Reason: Excessive frozen meat slicer, calibrated cutting disc; poor contact of switch.

  1. Maintenance method: Check the tool disc and take it out of the material; switch contact adjustment or switch switch. When using frozen meat slices, press the other side of the device with your hands, otherwise there will be a phenomenon of material impact, not in place, if the material is a bit large, you can first process the material to meet the size injection, and then slice.

Maintenance method of frozen meat cutting machine-Máy thái thịt cừu, Máy thái thịt bò, Máy xâu thịt cừu / thịt cừu, Máy xâu thịt bò, Máy cắt rau củ đa chức năng, Máy đóng gói thực phẩm, Nhà máy Trung Quốc, nhà cung cấp, nhà sản xuất, nhà bán buôn