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Izilumkiso xa usebenzisa i-bone cutter

Izilumkiso xa usebenzisa i-bone cutter

Umatshini wokusika amathambo usetyenziselwa ukunqunqa kunye nokusika iimbambo, kwaye ngamanye amaxesha unokusetyenziselwa ukusika amaqhekeza amancinci enyama enomkhenkce. Isixhobo esiluncedo kakhulu sokusika amathambo, esinokugcina uninzi lwabasebenzi kunye nexesha. Isantya sokusika ithambo sikhawuleza, ngoko sebenzisa umatshini wokusika amathambo Yintoni endimele ndiyibeke ingqalelo?

1. Before using the machine you just bought back, you should carefully read the instruction manual, and understand and familiarize yourself with the operation method and performance of the machine before using it.

2. Emva kokuba imela ibuthuntu, ungasebenzisa intonga yokulola ukulola imela, uze ulole imela. Nika ingqalelo kukhuseleko xa ulola imela.

3. When cleaning the machine, be careful not to splash water on the electrical wiring to avoid short circuit and damage to the equipment.

4. Kwiigesi, i-sliding shafts kunye nezinye iindawo, khangela rhoqo inani leoli yokuthambisa ukuze kugcinwe i-lubrication eyaneleyo, enokunciphisa izixhobo zokugqoka kunye nokwandisa ubomi benkonzo.

The above are the precautions when using the bone cutting machine. In addition, you must pay attention to safety during operation and standardize the operation. It is strictly forbidden to touch the operating parts of the machine with your hands to avoid danger.

Izilumkiso xa usebenzisa i-bone cutter-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler