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冷冻肉 切片机在欧美一些国家发展得很好。 它诞生于1960年代,成熟于1970年代,并于1980年代达到鼎盛时期。 中国的发展前景如何? 一起来了解一下吧。

China’s frozen meat slicer technology began in the early 1970s, and is basically used in the fields of vegetables, Chinese medicine, frozen meat, etc. Among them, frozen meat slicers are widely used, including fully automatic and semi-automatic beef and mutton slices. So far, the development technology of slicers in my country has a history of 30 years, but there is still a certain gap compared with foreign ones. The slicers developed have not been used in a large area, but there are still a lot of frozen meat. Since the frozen meat slicer produced by the slicer manufacturer was put on the market, the response has been great. With the excellent product quality and service, it quickly won the market, and the frozen meat slicer orders continue to flow in!

总的来说,我国冷冻肉切片机未来的发展前景还是很好的。 国家鼓励和支持这个行业。
