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How to maintain beef and mutton slicer in daily use

እንዴት እንደሚቆይ የበሬ ሥጋ እና የበግ ሥጋ ቁራጭ in daily use

1. Strictly follow the wiring diagram of the beef and mutton slicer to check whether the wiring is correct, whether the manual control of the inching and stop control is correct and reliable, and whether the main motor is running in the correct direction.

2. Lubricating oil should be added to the reduction gear box of the traction wheel, and the oil level should be kept at the upper plane position of the worm. The hydraulic oil tank should be added with anti-wear hydraulic oil to the oil level line.

3. የዘይት ቧንቧዎችን በስራው መርህ መሰረት ያገናኙ እና ክፍሎቹ እና ስርአቶቹ ያልተስተጓጉሉ ወይም ሌሎች ያልተለመዱ ክስተቶች መሆናቸውን ካረጋገጡ በኋላ የበሬ ሥጋ እና የበግ ስጋ ሰሪውን የደረቅ ሩጫ ሙከራ ይጀምሩ።

How to maintain beef and mutton slicer in daily use-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler