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Frozen meat slicer fault maintenance method

Cortadora de carne congelada método de mantenimiento de fallas

1. Slices are uneven, dull, and produce more powder.

(1) Reasons: the blade is not sharp; the hardness of the sliced material is too high; the sticky juice of the sliced material sticks the blade to the blade; the force is not balanced.

(2) Maintenance method: remove the blade and grind it with a whetstone; bake the sliced material to soften it; remove the blade to grind sticky juices; apply force evenly when slicing.

2. After the power is turned on, the motor of Shandong Frozen Meat Slicer does not run.

(1) Reason: poor power contact or loose plug; poor switch contacts.

(2) Repair method: repair the power supply or replace the plug; repair or replace the switch of the same specification.

3. Cuando funciona, el motor deja de girar.

(1) Motivo: la rebanadora de carne congelada avanza demasiado y el cabezal de corte está atascado; el interruptor está en mal contacto.

(2) Maintenance method of Shandong Frozen Meat Slicer: Look at the cutter head and remove the sticky substance; adjust the switch contacts or replace the switch.

Frozen meat slicer fault maintenance method-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler