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Atụmatụ nke eriri eriri pụrụ iche maka slicer atụrụ

Atụmatụ nke eriri eriri pụrụ iche maka nwa atụrụ slicer

Mutton slicing machine needs to use a special elastic belt in the process of use, which can maintain the good running state of the whole equipment, and it is more convenient in the process of use. The characteristics of the elastic belt are as follows:

1. Nfefe dị nro

PU multi-groove belt bụ integrally kpụrụ, ihe na Ọdịdị bụ edo, erughị ala nke ụdọ bụ ike, na ọ dịghị mfe ịma jijiji n’ihi na elu-ọsọ ọrụ na-etolite isi iyi nke vibration.

2, ịdị ọcha

Ihe PU, enweghị ntụ ntụ, na-adịghị egbu egbu na adịghị emerụ ahụ, kwekọrọ na ROSH nchedo gburugburu ebe obibi chọrọ.

3, nnabata ujo

A na-eme eriri eriri pụrụ iche maka mutton slicer nke ihe na-agbanwe agbanwe, na-eguzogide ibu mmetụta, ma nwee ike ịmịnye vibration site na usoro ahụ.

4, akwa mgbochi iyi

The abrasion resistance is dozens of times higher than that of rubber.

Long-term operation is very low, and it is not easy to cause dust to accumulate on the bottom of the groove, causing the belt to vibrate or cause the belt to crack horizontally.

5. Mfe ịwụnye

nwere ike ịhọrọ eriri isi ihe na-agbanwe agbanwe, n’okpuru ebe dị anya nke axle, ọ dị ngwa ma dị mfe ịwụnye na-enweghị ngwaọrụ ọ bụla.

6, enweghị mmezi

Enweghị mmanu mmanu na mmezi.

7, esemokwu kwụsiri ike

Profaịlụ ezé adịghị mfe iyi, nke mere na eriri pụrụ iche nke na-agbanwe agbanwe nke mutton slicer na-abanye n’ime oghere pulley, na-akpata nkwụsị nke esemokwu, na esemokwu ahụ kwesịrị ịgbanwe ugboro ugboro.

8. Elu nnyefe arụmọrụ

Multi-groove belt nwere àgwà nke eriri ewepụghị na eriri V. Na otu nnyefe Ọdịdị, o nwere 30 ~ 50% elu nnyefe ikike karịa ọkọlọtọ V-ekara nnyefe belt, nke nwere ike melite arụmọrụ nke n’ibu nnyefe.

9, ọrụ ọsọ ọsọ

Ọnwụ nnyefe n’ihi ike centrifugal dị ntakịrị, dabara maka ịrụ ọrụ ọsọ ọsọ, ọsọ belt nwere ike iru karịa 60m / s.

The special elastic belt for lamb slicer has many advantages. It not only improves the rotation efficiency of the equipment, but also makes the equipment more convenient to use, avoiding the occurrence of equipment vibration.

Atụmatụ nke eriri eriri pụrụ iche maka slicer atụrụ-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler