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Zvimiro zveakakosha bhandi relastic yegwayana slicer

Zvimiro zveakakosha elastic bhandi re kucheka gwayana

Mutton slicing machine needs to use a special elastic belt in the process of use, which can maintain the good running state of the whole equipment, and it is more convenient in the process of use. The characteristics of the elastic belt are as follows:

1. Smooth transmission

PU multi-groove bhandi rakaumbwa zvakabatana, zvinhu zviri muchimiro yunifomu, tension yetambo yakagadzikana, uye hazvisi nyore kudedera nekuda kwekumhanya-mhanya uye kuumba sosi yekudengenyeka.

2, kuchena

PU zvinhu, hapana hupfu, isiri-chepfu uye isingakuvadzi, inoenderana neROSH kuchengetedzwa kwemamiriro ekunze zvinodiwa.

3, kubatwa nekutya

Iro rakakosha bhandi remutton slicer rakagadzirwa ne elastic material, inoshingirira pakukanganisa mutoro, uye inokwanisa kutora vibration kubva mugadziriso.

4, yakakwirira kupfeka kuramba

The abrasion resistance is dozens of times higher than that of rubber.

Long-term operation is very low, and it is not easy to cause dust to accumulate on the bottom of the groove, causing the belt to vibrate or cause the belt to crack horizontally.

5. Easy kuisa

inogona kusarudza iyo elastic material core wire, pasi peiyo axle kureba, inokurumidza uye nyore kuisa pasina chero maturusi.

6, kuchengetedza-isina

Hapana mafuta ekuzora uye kugadzirisa.

7, kugadzikana kwakagadzikana

Iyo zino profiles haisi nyore kupfeka, kuitira kuti bhandi rakakosha remutton slicer rinyure mukati mepulley groove, zvichikonzera kurasikirwa kwekunetseka, uye kushushikana kunoda kugadziriswa nguva zhinji.

8. High kutapurirana kunyatsoshanda

Multi-groove belt ine maitiro ebhandi rakatsetseka uye V-shaped bhandi. Muchimiro chimwechete chekutapurirana, ine 30 ~ 50% yepamusoro yekutapurirana simba pane yakajairwa-yakaita V-yakaita bhandi rekutapurirana, iro rinogona kuvandudza kushanda kwemakanika kutapurirana.

9, kukurumidza-kumhanya kushanda

Kurasikirwa kwekutapurirana nekuda kwesimba re centrifugal idiki, rakakodzera kumhanyisa-kumhanya, uye bhanhire rinomhanya rinogona kusvika kupfuura 60m / s.

The special elastic belt for lamb slicer has many advantages. It not only improves the rotation efficiency of the equipment, but also makes the equipment more convenient to use, avoiding the occurrence of equipment vibration.

Zvimiro zveakakosha bhandi relastic yegwayana slicer-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi