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Iimpawu zebhanti elilastiki elikhethekileyo legusha yokusika

Iimpawu zebhanti elastiki ezikhethekileyo ze umcebi wegusha

Mutton slicing machine needs to use a special elastic belt in the process of use, which can maintain the good running state of the whole equipment, and it is more convenient in the process of use. The characteristics of the elastic belt are as follows:

1. Ukuhanjiswa okungenamagingxigingxi

Ibhanti ye-PU ye-multi-groove yenziwe ngokudibeneyo, izinto eziphathekayo kwisakhiwo zifana, ukunyanzeliswa kwentambo kuzinzile, kwaye akulula ukugubha ngenxa yokusebenza kwesantya esiphezulu kunye nokwenza umthombo wokungcangcazela.

2, ucoceko

Izinto ze-PU, akukho powder, ezingenayo ityhefu kwaye zingenabungozi, ngokuhambelana neemfuno zokukhuselwa kwendalo ye-ROSH.

3, ukufunxa ukothuka

Ibhanti elilastiki elikhethekileyo le-mutton slicer lenziwe ngezinto ezilastiki, ezikwaziyo ukumelana nomthwalo, kwaye zinokufunxa ukungcangcazela kumatshini.

I-4, ukumelana nokunxiba okuphezulu

The abrasion resistance is dozens of times higher than that of rubber.

Long-term operation is very low, and it is not easy to cause dust to accumulate on the bottom of the groove, causing the belt to vibrate or cause the belt to crack horizontally.

5. Kulula ukuyifaka

Ungakhetha i-elastic material core wire, phantsi komgama osisigxina we-axle, iyakhawuleza kwaye kulula ukuyifaka ngaphandle kwezixhobo.

6, ukugcinwa-simahla

Akukho mafutha okuthambisa kunye nokugcinwa.

I-7, uxinzelelo oluzinzileyo

Iprofayili yezinyo ayilula ukugqoka, ukwenzela ukuba ibhande elikhethekileyo le-elastic ye-mutton slicer litshone kwi-pulley groove, ebangela ukulahlekelwa koxinzelelo, kwaye ukuxhatshazwa kufuneka kulungiswe rhoqo.

8. Usulelo oluphezulu olusebenzayo

Ibhanti ye-Multi-groove ineempawu zebhanti ezisicaba kunye ne-V-shaped belt. Kwisakhiwo esifanayo sothumelo, sinomthamo we-30 ~ 50% ophezulu wokuhambisa ngaphezu kwebhanti ye-V-shaped transmission belt, enokuphucula ukusebenza kakuhle kokuhanjiswa koomatshini.

9, ukusebenza ngesantya esiphezulu

Ilahleko yokuhanjiswa ngenxa yamandla e-centrifugal incinci, ifanelekile ekusebenzeni kwesantya esiphezulu, kwaye isantya sebhanti sinokufikelela ngaphezu kwe-60m / s.

The special elastic belt for lamb slicer has many advantages. It not only improves the rotation efficiency of the equipment, but also makes the equipment more convenient to use, avoiding the occurrence of equipment vibration.

Iimpawu zebhanti elilastiki elikhethekileyo legusha yokusika-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler