- 16
- May
Fitur sabuk elastis khusus kanggo slicer domba
Fitur sabuk elastis khusus kanggo pangiris lambe
Mutton slicing machine needs to use a special elastic belt in the process of use, which can maintain the good running state of the whole equipment, and it is more convenient in the process of use. The characteristics of the elastic belt are as follows:
1. Transmisi Gamelan
PU multi-groove sabuk wis integrally kawangun, materi ing struktur seragam, tension saka ari stabil, lan ora gampang kedher amarga operasi-kacepetan dhuwur lan mbentuk sumber geter.
2, karesikan
Bahan PU, ora ana bubuk, ora beracun lan ora mbebayani, selaras karo syarat perlindungan lingkungan ROSH.
3, panyerepan kejut
Sabuk elastis khusus kanggo pengiris daging babi digawe saka bahan elastis, tahan kanggo beban impact, lan bisa nyerep getaran saka mekanisme kasebut.
4, resistance nyandhang dhuwur
The abrasion resistance is dozens of times higher than that of rubber.
Long-term operation is very low, and it is not easy to cause dust to accumulate on the bottom of the groove, causing the belt to vibrate or cause the belt to crack horizontally.
5. Gampang dipasang
bisa milih kabel inti materi elastis, ing jarak poros tetep, iku cepet lan gampang kanggo nginstal tanpa pribadi.
6, tanpa pangopènan
Ora ana lenga pelumas lan pangopènan.
7, tension stabil
Profil waos ora gampang kanggo nyandhang, supaya sabuk elastis khusus saka slicer daging kambing klelep menyang alur pulley, nyebabake mundhut saka tension, lan tension kudu diatur kerep.
8. Efisiensi transmisi dhuwur
Sabuk multi-alur nduweni ciri sabuk warata lan sabuk berbentuk V. Ing struktur transmisi padha, wis 30 ~ 50% kapasitas transmisi luwih saka standar V-shaped sabuk transmisi, kang bisa nambah efficiency transmisi mechanical.
9, operasi kacepetan dhuwur
Mundhut transmisi amarga pasukan centrifugal cilik, cocok kanggo operasi kacepetan dhuwur, lan kacepetan sabuk bisa tekan luwih saka 60m / s.
The special elastic belt for lamb slicer has many advantages. It not only improves the rotation efficiency of the equipment, but also makes the equipment more convenient to use, avoiding the occurrence of equipment vibration.