- 10
- Feb
Lubrication method of beef and mutton slicer
Lubrication method of beef and mutton slicer
The efficient use of beef and pangiris daging wedhus is inseparable from the lubricating effect of lubricating oil. Lubricating oil can not only promote the rapid operation of the machine, but also prevent rust. What are its lubrication methods?
1. Miturut kahanan kerja sing beda-beda, pemotong daging sapi lan wedhus nganggo telung cara: pelumasan cangkir minyak, pelumasan manual lan pelumasan kothak. Saben jurnal rol lan jurnal poros pengiris daging sapi lan daging kambing dilumasi nganggo cangkir minyak.
2. Gir, turbin, sekrup angkat, bantalan sing bisa dipindhah, lan sekrup mekanisme penyesuaian miring saka pemotong daging sapi lan daging kambing kabeh dilumuri kanthi lubrikasi manual. Gir lan bantalan ing jero reducer dilumasi kanthi pelumasan. Iki ditindakake kanthi nyemprotake lenga ing tangki.
Choose different lubrication methods to promote smoother operation of the beef and mutton slicer. When not in use, check the lubricating oil inside the machine and replenish the lubricating oil in time.