- 28
- Feb
Meriv çawa têkçûna guheztina goşt û goştê pez çareser dike
How to solve the failure of the goşt û goştê pez gûherr
1. The switch of beef and mutton slicing machine is good and sometimes bad. The reason is that the wire inside the switch is loose and there is a welding problem. At this time, cut off the power, check carefully, disassemble the welding, or change the switch.
2. Veguheztina goşt û goştê pez bi kar nayê. Di vê demê de, pêşî elektrîkê qut bikin, guheztina kevin rakin, û wê bi guhezek nû biguhezînin. Dema ku guheztina kevn radikin, bala xwe bidin têlê ku wê weld dike rakin. Piştî sazkirina guhêrbar, têl di wextê de biqelihînin.
If the switch of the beef and mutton slicer fails, check the switch line inside. If the switch line is normal, try to replace the switch. Pay attention to the switch as far as possible not to be activated too frequently during normal use.