- 08
- Oct
Nhanganyaya yekushandiswa kwechando chekucheka nyama
Nhanganyaya yekushandiswa kwe chando chekucheka nyama
1. After receiving the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer, you should check the outer packaging for any abnormal conditions in time. If there is any abnormal condition, such as damage or lack of parts, please call the manufacturer in time, and carefully read the instructions provided with the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer. Read it once and confirm that it is correct and then proceed to the following steps.
2. Wobva watarisa kuti magetsi emagetsi anoenderana here nevoltage yakanyorwa pane label yemuchina.
3. Mushure mekusunungura, tapota isai muchina pane yakasimba workbench uye edza kugara kure nemhoteredzo yakasviba.
4. Rongedza kutenderera kwechiyero kuti usarudze chidimbu chinodiwa ukobvu.
5. Vhura simba uye tinya bhatani rekutanga kuti utange blade.
6. Isa chikafu chinofanirwa kuchekwa pandiro inotsvedza, sundidzira ruoko rwekugadzirisa chikafu kuti utarise blade uye famba kuruboshwe uye kurudyi uchipikisana nechikamu chinopindirana.
7. Mushure mekushandisa, shandura kutenderera kwechiyero kudzokera ku “0” nzvimbo.
8. Nzira yekubvisa sei blade: tanga wasunungura chivharo, wozobudisa chifukidzo chebheji, uye shandisa chigadziro chekusunungura screw pamucheka usati wabudisa blade. Nekumisikidza nzira yeblade, ndapota tarisa kune yataurwa pamusoro nzira yekubvisa.