- 05
- Dec
Nzira dzekudzivisa Njodzi Paunenge Uchishandisa Gwayana Slicer
Nzira Dzokudzivisa Nengozi Paunenge Uchishandisa a Gwayana Slicer
1. When the mutton slicer is working, do not put your hands and other foreign objects into the shell to avoid danger.
2. Nyatsotarisa kana dicing muchina usipo, wakuvadzwa kana wakasununguka kuti uve nechokwadi chekuti muchina uri muchimiro chakanaka.
3. Check whether there is foreign matter in the shell of the mutton slicer, and remove the foreign matter in the shell, otherwise it will easily cause damage to the blade.
4. Chenesa nzvimbo yekushanda, tarisa kuti magetsi emagetsi anopindirana nemagetsi ekushanda emuchina, uye kana chiratidzo chepasi chakanyatsobatanidzwa kune tambo yepasi.
5. Vhura bhatani uye chengetedza bhatani re “ON” kuti uone kana kutungamirira kwakarurama (kutarisana nepusher dial, pusher dial inotenderera counterclockwise yakarurama), kana zvisina kudaro, bvisa magetsi uye gadzirisa wiring.