- 05
- Dec
Cara Ngahindarkeun Bahaya Nalika Nganggo Pengiris Domba
Cara Ngahindarkeun Bahaya Nalika Ngagunakeun a Pengiris Domba
1. When the mutton slicer is working, do not put your hands and other foreign objects into the shell to avoid danger.
2. Taliti pariksa naha mesin dicing leungit, ruksak atawa leupas pikeun mastikeun yén mesin aya dina kaayaan alus.
3. Check whether there is foreign matter in the shell of the mutton slicer, and remove the foreign matter in the shell, otherwise it will easily cause damage to the blade.
4. Ngabersihan situs operasi, pariksa naha tegangan catu daya konsisten jeung tegangan operasi mesin, sarta naha tanda grounding ieu reliably disambungkeun ka kawat taneuh.
5. Hurungkeun switch terus pencét “ON” tombol pikeun pariksa naha steering bener (nyanghareupan pusher dial, pusher dial rotates counterclockwise bener), disebutkeun, neukteuk off catu daya tur saluyukeun wiring nu.