- 08
- Oct
Intshayelelo yokusetyenziswa kwesiceli senyama ekhenkcezileyo
Intshayelelo yokusetyenziswa kwe umkhenkce wokusika inyama
1. After receiving the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer, you should check the outer packaging for any abnormal conditions in time. If there is any abnormal condition, such as damage or lack of parts, please call the manufacturer in time, and carefully read the instructions provided with the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer. Read it once and confirm that it is correct and then proceed to the following steps.
2. Emva koko khangela ukuba i-voltage yonikezelo lwamandla iyahambelana ne-voltage ephawulwe kwileyibhile yomatshini.
3. Emva kokukhupha, nceda ubeke umatshini kwi-workbench eqinile kwaye uzame ukuhlala kude nendawo enomswakama.
4. Lungisa ukujikeleza kwesikali ukukhetha ubukhulu beqhekeza elifunekayo.
5. Vula amandla kwaye ucinezele iqhosha lokuqalisa ukuqala i-blade.
6. Beka ukutya okuza kusikwa kwipleyiti etyibilikayo, tyhala ingalo yokulungisa ukutya ijongane nencakuba kwaye uhambe ngasekhohlo nasekunene ngokuchasene nesahlulelo esisebenzisanayo.
7. Emva kokusetyenziswa, jika ujikelezo lwesikali ubuyele kwindawo “0”.
8. Indlela yokuqhawula iblade: qala ngokukhulula iblade guard, emva koko ukhuphe isigqubuthelo sencakuba, kwaye usebenzise isixhobo sokukhulula isikrufu kwincakuba phambi kokuba ukhuphe incakuba. Indlela yokufaka i-blade, nceda ubhekisele kwindlela yokususa ekhankanywe ngasentla.