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የ CNC የበግ ሰባሪ ጥቅሞች

የ CNC የበግ ሰባሪ ጥቅሞች

The CNC mutton slicer is a slicer for frozen mutton. It has beautiful appearance, easy operation, high efficiency, low power consumption, easy cleaning and maintenance, safe and hygienic, and the cutting effect is uniform and can be automatically rolled into rolls. It is suitable for hotels and restaurants. , Canteens, meat processing plants and other units indispensable for meat processing machinery. The following introduces the characteristics of it compared with other products:

1. ምርቱ ሳይቀልጥ በማሽኑ ላይ ሊቆረጥ ይችላል, ይህም የጥበቃ ጊዜን ይቀንሳል.

2. የ CNC የበግ ስሊለር ከፍተኛ መጠን ያለው አውቶሜሽን እና ቀላል አሠራር አለው. ሁሉም ተግባራት የነጥብ መቀየሪያዎችን ይቀበላሉ, ይህም ቀላል እና ፈጣን ነው.

3. ክዋኔው ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ነው. የ CNC የበግ ስሊለር በማጓጓዣ ቀበቶ ሊታጠቅ ይችላል, እና የተቆራረጡ የስጋ ጥቅልሎች በቀጥታ በምግብ ማጓጓዣ ቀበቶ ይወጣሉ. ኦፕሬተሩ በመቁረጫው ቢላዋ ፊት ለፊት ባለው ጫፍ ላይ የስጋ ቁርጥራጮቹን መያዝ አያስፈልገውም. የመቁረጫው የፊት ለፊት ክፍል ከደህንነት መከላከያ በር ጋር ተያይዟል. የመከላከያ በሩ ሲከፈት, መቁረጫው በራስ-ሰር ይጠፋል እና መስራቱን ያቆማል. የደህንነት ጥበቃ በሩ በማይዘጋበት ጊዜ መቁረጫው ሊሠራ አይችልም. ድርብ ደህንነት ጥበቃ የኦፕሬተሮችን ደህንነት ያረጋግጣል.

4. The slicing speed is fast, the production efficiency is high, and the cut meat rolls are uniform in thickness and neatly arranged.

5. Small size, light weight, easy to move. The slicing machine and the conveyor belt are separated, occupying a small area, the length of the conveyor belt can be adjusted at will, and the maintenance is convenient.

Numerical control lamb slicing machine has very few manual operations, most of which are automated, which not only ensures safety and saves a lot of time, but also cuts out layers of thin mutton rolls more accurately.