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Kako spojiti žicu za rezanje ovčetine

Kako spojiti žicu rezač za ovčetinu

The mutton slicer is a machine used to cut mutton. Restaurants, especially hot pot restaurants, cannot do without it. The current slicer cannot operate without electricity. How to connect the wires in it includes several tips.

1. Bilo koja dva od dva kondenzatora su spojena jedan na drugi, a zatim spojena na crvenu fazu motora i sklopnu liniju. Spojite crvenu i bijelu žicu motora jednu na drugu, a zatim spojite na bilo koji od prekidača. Žuta žica preostalog motora spojena je na žicu kondenzatora od 25, a crna žica je spojena na žicu kondenzatora od 150.

2. If the lamb slicing machine blade is reversed, the two red lines can be exchanged to adjust it. The 380V wires are connected at will. If the blade is reversed, the three wires of the mutton slicer plug can be exchanged with any two live wires to adjust it. Power on the machine to test the forward and reverse rotation and other problems.

3. When binding the wires, they should be tied to the direction of the lamb slicer motor as much as possible to facilitate maintenance.

When connecting wires, first disconnect the power of the mutton slicer to prevent the danger of electric shock. Connect the wires in the corresponding order. When wiring, pay attention to keeping the two ends of the wire in good contact.

Kako spojiti žicu za rezanje ovčetine-Rezač za janjetinu, rezač za govedinu, stroj za rezanje žica za janjetinu/ovčetinu, stroj za rezanje govedine, višenamjenski rezač povrća, stroj za pakiranje hrane, tvornica u Kini, dobavljač, proizvođač, veletrgovac