- 25
- Jul
Carane ngresiki irisan daging sapi lan wedhus kanthi luwih ilmiah
- 25
- Jul
- 25
- Jul
Carane ngresiki slicer daging sapi lan wedhus more scientifically
1. Inject a certain amount of water into the drum attached to the slicer, and discharge the waste with water;
2. Ngusap nganggo kain alus utawa sikat alus sing dicelupake ing banyu sing dicampur deterjen, banjur mbilas nganggo banyu sing resik;
3. Add a certain amount of detergent or disinfectant into the water and add it to the bucket, and turn the bucket to clean;
4. Sawise ngresiki, gunakake pistol banyu tekanan dhuwur kanggo ngresiki jero ember, lan mung nguripake ember supaya bolongan saluran madhep mudhun kanggo saluran banyu ing ember.