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Indlela yokuhlanza isisiki senyama yenkomo neyemvu ngokwesayensi

Indlela yokuhlanza inyama yenkomo kanye nenyama yemvu more scientifically

1. Inject a certain amount of water into the drum attached to the slicer, and discharge the waste with water;

2. Sula ngendwangu ethambile noma ibhulashi elithambile elicwiliswe emanzini axutshwe nesihlanzi, bese ugeza ngamanzi ahlanzekile;

3. Add a certain amount of detergent or disinfectant into the water and add it to the bucket, and turn the bucket to clean;

4. Ngemva kokuhlanza, sebenzisa isibhamu samanzi esinomfutho ophezulu ukuze uhlanze ingaphakathi lebhakede, futhi umane uphendule ibhakede ukuze imbobo yokukhipha amanzi ibheke phansi ukuze ikhiphe amanzi ebhakedeni.

Indlela yokuhlanza isisiki senyama yenkomo neyemvu ngokwesayensi-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler