- 17
- May
How to achieve the precision requirements of the frozen meat slicer
How to achieve the precision requirements of the slicer goşt cemidî
1. The slicing accuracy of the frozen meat slicer is the key to reflecting its technical performance. With the continuous expansion of the production scale, the importance of slicing accuracy is also increasing, and the requirements of manufacturers are gradually increasing.
2. Her ku hilber her ku diçe bêkêmasî dibe, rastbûna hilberandin û perçekirina wê rasterast li ser kalîteya hilberê û firotanên paşê bandor dike. Di tevahiya makîneyê de, pergala kontrolkirina perçekirinê ya dirûvê goştê cemidî bingeha tevahiya amûrê ye.
The higher the precision, the better and more uniform the meat slices cut by the frozen meat slicer, and the more delicious it is to eat. When we use it, we must regularly confirm its precision, so that it can be used for a longer time.