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Problems with inferior mutton slicers on the market

Problems with inferior slicers daging domba dina pasaran

1. There is no groove in the welding of the main frame of the mutton slicer, and it is directly welded with channel steel butt jointed with ordinary welding rods. The welding seam is easy to break during the operation of the machine, and the service life is seriously shortened. The machine frame of the Ⅱ roll mutton slicer is made of welded square tubes, and the machine is not stable during operation.

2. Pariksa naha bagian utama dina mesin geus diolah kalawan sepuh tur teu boga lalawanan maké, résistansi tensile, sarta lalawanan dampak.

3. The screw kalungguhan tina slicer mutton diatur luhureun piring propeller. Mesin roll kadua ngadopsi hiji screw kalungguhan tunggal. The propelling daging roll teu stabil sarta gampang ruksakna, sarta penampilan anu bloated, sarta minyak lubricating gampang digolongkeun dina pelat propeller. , ngabalukarkeun kontaminasi daging.

4. Aya henteu kénca jeung katuhu uprights dina alat utama rests dua gulungan mesin, tur mesin boga stabilitas goréng salila operasi.

5. The machine numerical control system adopts low-cost single-chip microcomputer, which is very difficult to learn, maintain and use. The ability to resist electromagnetic interference is very weak. Although the machines produced by other manufacturers on the market claim to be products of Siemens PLC or other big brands, the finished products of these big brands are cheap and counterfeit, cannot withstand the quality inspection of inter-departmental departments, and are very easy to break.

6. Batang panyambung dina mesin dipotong tina pelat beusi Q235, aci sareng liang henteu cocog, pelat beusi gaduh kakuatan anu rendah, teu aya résistansi ngagem, kinerja nyerep shock low, sareng mesinna ribut pisan saatos lami- operasi istilah.

7. The bearing on mesin adopts bearing pabrik leutik béaya rendah, nu boga hirup layanan pondok tur gampang ruksak.

8. Kaluaran kakuatan mesin adopts transmisi gear tanpa gearbox a. Gears ngajalankeun sarta ngagem pisan gancang dina lingkungan bébas minyak, hasilna ketebalan henteu rata keureut domba jeung sora pisan nyaring.

9. Produk ayeuna di pasar, lolobana cabinets kontrol anu dilas jeung pelat baja biasa, nu gampang karat jeung teu awét.

Problems with inferior mutton slicers on the market-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir