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Common faults and troubleshooting methods of mutton slicer

Faults umum jeung métode ngungkulan tina pangiris daging domba

1. Mesin teu ngajalankeun: pariksa naha colokan aya dina kontak alus, lajeng pariksa naha asuransi stop kontak ditiup. Upami lepatna tetep teu tiasa dileungitkeun, éta kedah dilereskeun ku teknisi listrik, sareng anu sanés profésional henteu tiasa ngalereskeunana nyalira.

2. The body is electrified: the power plug must be unplugged immediately, check whether the grounding is good, and ask an electrical technician to deal with it.

3. The slicing effect is not good: check whether the blade is sharp; check whether the temperature of the frozen meat is in the range of (0°C ~ -7°C); refer to the sharpening method in this manual to re-sharpen the blade edge.

4. Usuk teu mindahkeun mulus: tambahkeun minyak lubricating kana aci buleud pindah, tur saluyukeun screw tightening luhur handapeun aci pasagi pindah.

5. Abnormal noise when the mutton slicer is working: check whether the machine bolts are loose, check whether the lubricating oil in the moving part of the machine is used up, and check whether there is minced meat around the blade.

6. The machine vibrates or has slight noise: check whether the workbench is stable and whether the machine is placed smoothly.

7. Kabayang grinding teu bisa diasah normal: ngabersihan kabayang grinding.

8. When slicing work, the machine is unable to check whether the transmission belt is stained with oil or disconnected, check whether the capacitor is aging, and check whether the blade edge of the frozen meat slicer is sharp.

Common faults and troubleshooting methods of mutton slicer-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir