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Precautions for initial installation of beef and mutton slicer

Precautions for initial installation of beef and mutton slicer

The beef and pangiris daging domba mainly uses sharp blades. The meat slices it cuts are not only good in taste, tender, but also easy to cook. The cut meat is not easy to break, and it is convenient, fast, time-saving and labor-saving. When buying After installing the meat slicer, what should I pay attention to when installing it for the first time?

1. Panjang sabeulah tina pangiris daging sapi jeung daging kambing mindeng seukeut, jadi Anjeun kudu masang hansip péso munggaran.

2. Alat ngaropéa screw bisa dihapus ku ngarobahna jarum jam.

3. Loosen rengkuh adjustment sudut Dengdekkeun tina péso slicing tina daging jeung mutton slicer.

4. Mindahkeun sabeulah Dengdekkeun sudut adjustment rengkuh, saluyukeun sudut pungkur tina agul motong ka posisi nu dipikahoyong, lajeng tighten sabeulah Dengdekkeun sudut adjustment rengkuh baud.

5. Dina raraga nyaimbangkeun alat, Anjeun bisa muterkeun eta jarum jam nepi ka eureun. Salila sakabéh prosés, Anjeun kudu salawasna nengetan knives tina daging sapi jeung mutton slicer ulah keur scratched ku knives.

When installing the beef and mutton slicer for the first time, you must first know the installation sequence of some accessories, tighten the screws in order to fix the accessories, pay attention to the installation sequence, after the installation, you can first go to the test machine, and then go to the formal use.

Precautions for initial installation of beef and mutton slicer-Pengiris Domba, Pengiris Sapi, Mesin Senar Domba/Kambing, Mesin Senar Daging Sapi, Pemotong Sayur Multifungsi, Mesin Pembungkus Makanan, Pabrik Cina, Pemasok, Pabrikan, Grosir