- 27
- Jan
Bedane antarane pemotong daging beku semi-otomatis lan kanthi otomatis
The difference between semi-automatic and fully automatic frozen meat slicer
1. The semi-automatic frozen meat slicer has one motor, while the automatic slicer has two motors. The semi-automatic slicer has two modes for meat cutting: automatic meat cutting and manual meat pushing; fully automatic slicer, meat cutting and meat pushing are automatic, which saves time and manpower.
2. Kanggo hotel gedhe umum, dianjurake kanggo milih slicer daging beku kanthi otomatis, sing cepet lan nduweni macem-macem fungsi. Hotel cilik lan medium-ukuran bisa milih slicer semi-otomatis, kang luwih ing baris karo kabutuhan hotel dhewe lan usaha kanggo nggawe slicer liyane kuat Gunakake Nilai.