- 28
- Jan
Feydeyên hilbera goşt û goştê pez
Feydeyên hilbera goşt û goştê pez
The more the beef and mutton slicer is used, the more its specifications and types will increase accordingly. The reason why it is so popular is due to its better performance characteristics, ease of use, and long use time. In addition to these, there are other advantages. ?
1. High efficiency, about 120 slices per minute.
2. Double-guide propulsion system, which effectively guarantees the uniform advancement of slices.
3. The beef and mutton slicer is fully automatic operation, saving labor costs.
4. Performansa parastina ewlehiyê ya baş.
5. Doza pola zengarnegir, seam bi tevayî welded.
6. Beef and mutton slicer can cut out a variety of roll types such as coarse rolls, thin rolls, long rolls, straight slices, etc., with one machine for multiple purposes.
7, minus 18 pileyî pelikên goşt dikarin li ser makîneyê bêyî şilbûnê werin perçe kirin, pariyên goşt neşikestin û şeklê xwe xweş û xweşik e.
8. The cutting parts of beef and mutton slicer are easy to clean and easy to disassemble and install.
9. Ne hewce ye ku kêrê tûj bike, sêwirana yekta bikarhêner ji tengasiya tûjkirina kêrê xilas dike, û pir lêçûna karanîna bikarhêner kêm dike.
Beef and mutton slicers are widely used in restaurants, restaurants and other food industries. Now household slicers are becoming more and more popular and their applications are becoming more and more convenient.