- 16
- May
Adjustment of Rotor Speed of Lamb Slicer
Adjustment of Rotor Speed of Lamb Slicer
The delicious hot pot is inseparable from the merits of the kucheka gwayana. Using it does save a lot of time and brings convenience. Its fast running speed is related to its rotor speed. How to adjust its rotor speed?
1. When the hardness of the mutton remains unchanged, the higher the rotation speed of the mutton slicer’s rotor, the higher the cutting speed, which allows the meat feeding speed to increase and the productivity to increase accordingly. However, due to the difference of lamb meat quality and many other factors, the rotor speed cannot be increased arbitrarily.
2. Kana gwayana rakaoma uye rakanyatsochekwa, kumhanya kwe rotor yegwayana rinocheka rinogona kuwedzerwa zvakakodzera. Panguva ino, kugadzirwa kwepamusoro uye kunaka kwakanaka kwekucheka kunogona kuwanikwa; kune avo gwayana rine maumbirwo asina kujairika, rotor yakaderera inofanira kushandiswa.
The rotation speed adjustment of the lamb slicing machine depends on the quality of the lamb and other factors. To cut out tangible lamb slices, the rotor speed of the machine needs to be properly adjusted to improve the efficiency of the machine.