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Qo‘y go‘shti to‘g‘ragichning tuzilishi qanday?

ning tuzilishi qanday qo’y go’shti kesgich?

1. Mechanical and pneumatic hybrid lifting mechanism: the sleeve equipped with the bottle holder can slide along the hollow plunger, and the square spacer plays a guiding role to prevent the sleeve from deflecting when it is raised and lowered.

2. Lifting mechanism of mechanical bottle: This kind of structure is relatively simple, but the working reliability is poor. The slice rises along the slideway, and it is easy to squeeze the slice. The quality of the slice is very high, especially the neck cannot be bent. in an automated gas-free lamb slicer.

3. Lifting mechanism of pneumatic bottle: The mutton slicer uses a pneumatic support bottle, and the compressed air can be recycled in the ring pipe to reduce power consumption, so it has the function of self-buffering, the support is stable, and time is saved.

Shu bilan birga, dilimlarni ko’tarish harakatini tez, to’g’ri va sifatni ta’minlash uchun slicer, odatda, kamar yo’riqnomasining boshqaruvi bilan birlashtiriladi. Ushbu turdagi uskunalar, ayniqsa, izobarik kesgich uchun keng qo’llaniladi, chunki u havo siqish moslamasi bilan jihozlangan, shuning uchun bu struktura ko’proq qo’llaniladi.

The efficiency of slicing meat slices with a mutton slicer is greatly improved, which is related to its structure. When the structure design is reasonable, the efficiency of the slicer is higher, and it will play a role in slicing meat for a long time.

Qo‘y go‘shti to‘g‘ragichning tuzilishi qanday?-Qo'zilarni kesish mashinasi, mol go'shti kesish mashinasi, qo'zi / qo'y go'shtini kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, mol go'shti kiyish uchun ip mashinasi, ko'p funktsiyali sabzavot kesish mashinasi, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qadoqlash mashinasi, Xitoy zavodi, yetkazib beruvchi, ishlab chiqaruvchi, ulgurji sotuvchi