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The main components of the lamb slicer

I componenti principali del affettatrice di agnello

  1. First of all, it mainly includes four main components. Some of the structures contained in these four components have tapered knives. Of course, this knife is used to cut the lamb, and the barrel used to hold the lamb is also one of the main components. The mutton slicer also includes a gear box and some gear transmission mechanisms. The joint cooperation of these different types of transmission devices can make the work of slicing lamb work coherently and efficiently.

The main components of the lamb slicer-Affettatrice di agnello, affettatrice di manzo, macchina per la corda di usura di agnello / montone, macchina per la corda di usura di manzo, tagliaverdure multifunzionale, macchina per l'imballaggio alimentare, fabbrica in Cina, fornitore, produttore, grossista

2. When the mutton slicer is started, the internal umbrella-shaped transmission mechanism starts to start, and then it will automatically be connected with the drive of the manual device. When the mutton that needs to be processed is poured in, the inner push plate will push the mutton to proceed. With the cutter device, start slicing. It is not easy to use a lamb slicer well. It is not only necessary to master the method of use, but also has certain requirements for meat quality, such as meat temperature and processing methods. Therefore, the pre-treatment of lamb is very important and is related to production. Efficiency and meat quality.