- 07
- Jul
Cara ngindhari bebaya nalika nggunakake pangiris daging sapi lan wedhus
Carane supaya bebaya nalika nggunakake slicer daging sapi lan wedhus
1. When working, do not put your hands and other foreign objects into the housing.
2. Carefully check whether the beef and mutton slicer is defective, damaged or loose, and ensure that the machine is in good condition.
3. Check whether there is foreign matter in the shell, and remove the foreign matter in the shell, otherwise it will easily cause damage to the blade of the beef and mutton slicer.
4. Ngresiki situs operasi, mriksa apa voltase sumber daya konsisten karo voltase digunakake dening mesin, lan apa tandha grounding andal disambungake menyang kabel lemah.
5. Turn on the switch and press the “ON” button to check whether the steering is correct, otherwise, cut off the power supply and adjust the wiring.
Nalika nggunakake slicer daging sapi lan wedhus, sampeyan kudu mbayar manungsa waé kanggo operasi aman supaya bebaya. Yen ana kelainan nalika nggunakake, sampeyan kudu mungkasi nggunakake ing wektu lan mriksa sabab saka kelainan.