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How to tell the difference between a good and a bad lamb slicer

How to tell the difference between a good and a bad козу кескич

1. Бычактын сапатын караңыз. Бычактын сапаты бүт кесүүчүнүн кызмат мөөнөтүн жана кесүү ылдамдыгын аныктайт.

2. Look at the number of compressors. The mutton slicer has single motor and double motor. In dual motors, the cutting and pushing of the meat are driven by one motor each. In a single motor, one motor drives two workpieces, and the power is greater than that of dual motors. The motor of a good lamb slicer is stainless steel.

3. Look at the blade operation mode. Most of them use structural elements to rotate a single blade, and the circular saw slides down automatically when the meat is clamped. However, some high-quality slicers use the chain to drive the blades to rotate, and the turbine worm to drive the output, which makes the design more user-friendly.

How to tell the difference between a good and a bad lamb slicer-Козу кескич, уй этин кескич, козу/кой этин кийүүчү жип машина, уй этин кийүүчү жип машина, көп функциялуу жашылча кескич, тамак-аш таңгактоочу машина, Кытай фабрикасы, жеткирүүчү, өндүрүүчү, дүң сатуучу