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ڪيئن ٺاهيو ليمب سلائيسر گوشت کي رول ۾ ڪٽيو

ڪيئن ٺاهيو ليمب سلائيسر گوشت کي رول ۾ ڪٽيو

Everyone is already familiar with slicers. When we go to restaurants or hot pot restaurants to eat hot pot, the lamb we order is usually rolled up. This is how it is formed. This is also from the use of slicers. It’s just a mutton slicer specially used for slicing into rolls. Let’s take a look at the effect:

1. When I first used it, I couldn’t get the slicing effect that I wanted, and I couldn’t cut good-looking meat rolls. In fact, I didn’t understand the performance of the machine and the principle of slicing.

2. ڇا مٽن سلائيسر رولز ۾ رول ڪري سگهي ٿو، سڌو اثر ڪندڙ عنصر منجمد گوشت جو گرمي پد آهي. جيڪڏهن گوشت جو گرمي پد ڪافي گهٽ نه آهي، جيڪڏهن گوشت ڪافي منجهيل نه هجي ته گوشت جا رول ڪٽي نه سگهندا. سلائيسر تمام پتلي ۽ مسلسل سلائسون ڪٽي سگھي ٿو. گوشت جي سلائسن لاء، مشين هڪ عام حالت ۾ آهي.

3. Generally, the temperature range of the mutton slicer is controlled at 0~-7℃. This temperature range can cut meat rolls, detect the degree of mutton freezing and slow meat methods, and master the performance and use of the machine.

Using the mutton slicer to cut the meat into rolls, we must first understand the performance characteristics of the mutton slicer. The combination of temperature and meat is required to present a good-looking mutton roll.

ڪيئن ٺاهيو ليمب سلائيسر گوشت کي رول ۾ ڪٽيو-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler