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Maitiro ekutarisa kunaka kwegwai rinocheka

Maitiro ekutarisa mhando yeiyo kucheka gwayana

Most of the mutton slices cut in restaurants use mutton slicers, because the machine not only cuts the thickness of the meat, but also cuts into slices. Usually, the quality of the slicer needs to be checked before the restaurant uses it, and the inspection is qualified. It can be used later, so how to check the quality of the machine? The details can be understood through the following introduction.

1. Tarisa hutano hwemucheka, nokuti blade ndicho chinhu chikuru chinokanganisa slicer. Ichakanganisa hupenyu hwesevhisi uye slicing kumhanya yemuchina. Ehe, kune akawanda marudzi ezvicherwa, uye mitengo inoenderana nayo yakasiyana. Vashandisi vanofanirwa kusarudza chicherwa chakakodzera zvinoenderana nemamiriro avo ekugadzira.

2. What is the operating mode of the blade and whether the design is humane.

3. Nhamba yemotori mu slicer uye zvinhu zvemotor.

Checking the quality of the mutton slicer, whether it is the manufacturer or the user, is a work that needs to be done. After the quality check is qualified, the slicer can be used to cut the mutton slices. Every accessory needs to be checked in place.

Maitiro ekutarisa kunaka kwegwai rinocheka-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi