- 07
- Jan
Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers
Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers
1. Inodzorwa nenhamba 2-roll yegwayana slicing muchina: Inogona kucheka makwayana maviri panguva. Inodzorwa neSiemens PLC uye inotyairwa neinotsika mota. Inogadzirisa dambudziko rekutadza kwakanyanya kwema mechanical slicing machines. Inogadzira mapanga anoraswa uye inogadzirisa matambudziko evamwe vatengi mukurodza mapanga. dambudziko.
2. Multifunctional 3-roll slicer: A new type of slicer developed by combining the advantages of the vertical knife slicer and the round knife slicer, which can cut meat rolls of different heights and widths at the same time.
3. CNC 4-roll yegwayana slicing muchina: Inogona kucheka gwayana 4 panguva imwe, 100-200 kg nyama paawa, uye bhenji rekushanda rakagadzirwa nekudya-chaiyo organic purasitiki bhodhi kuti ive nechokwadi chekuchengetedza chikafu uye hutsanana. Mipumburu yenyama haidi kuderedzwa. Shanda zvakananga pamushini, uye unogona kucheka akasiyana maumbirwo emapumburu.
4. Inodzorwa nenhamba 8-roll slicer: inogona kucheka 8 rolls yemutton panguva, inotungamirirwa kaviri propeller, automatic advance uye kudzoka, kureba kwebanga iri 20 cm, inogona kucheka mombe dzemombe dzakati twasu, kugadzirisa ukobvu pasina. kumira, uye inogona kugadziriswa maererano nehupamhi hunodiwa. CNC switch inongowedzera uye inobvisa.
Lamb slicers have different specifications and types, and the shape, quantity, and speed of the cut meat slices are also different. We can choose according to the purpose and use environment.