- 07
- Jan
Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers
Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers
1. Numeris dikawasa 2-roll mesin domba slicing: Bisa motong 2 domba dina hiji waktu. Hal ieu dikawasa ku Siemens PLC sareng disetir ku motor stepping. Ieu solves masalah laju gagalna tinggi mesin slicing mékanis. Éta ngembangkeun péso disposable sareng ngarengsekeun kasusah sababaraha palanggan dina ngasah péso. masalah.
2. Multifunctional 3-roll slicer: A new type of slicer developed by combining the advantages of the vertical knife slicer and the round knife slicer, which can cut meat rolls of different heights and widths at the same time.
3. CNC 4-roll mesin domba slicing: Bisa motong 4 domba dina hiji waktu, 100-200 kg daging per jam, sarta workbench dijieunna tina dahareun-spésifik dewan plastik organik pikeun mastikeun kaamanan pangan jeung kabersihan. Daging gulungan teu perlu defrosted. Beroperasi langsung dina mesin, sarta bisa motong kaluar rupa-rupa wangun roll.
4. Numeris dikawasa 8-roll slicer: eta bisa motong 8 gulungan mutton dina hiji waktu, baling-baling ganda-dipandu, sateuacanna otomatis tur mundur, jangkungna péso téh 20 cm, éta bisa motong slabs sapi orientasi tegak, ngaluyukeun ketebalan tanpa eureun, sarta bisa disaluyukeun nurutkeun ketebalan diperlukeun. CNC switch otomatis nambahkeun jeung subtracts.
Lamb slicers have different specifications and types, and the shape, quantity, and speed of the cut meat slices are also different. We can choose according to the purpose and use environment.