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Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers

Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers

1. Umshini wokusika amawundlu angu-2 olawulwa ngokwezinombolo: Ungasika amawundlu ama-2 ngesikhathi. Ilawulwa yi-Siemens PLC futhi ishayelwa yi-steep motor. Ixazulula inkinga yezinga eliphezulu lokuhluleka kwemishini yokusika imishini. Ithuthukisa imimese elahlwayo futhi ixazulula ubunzima bamanye amakhasimende ekulolani imibese. inkinga.

2. Multifunctional 3-roll slicer: A new type of slicer developed by combining the advantages of the vertical knife slicer and the round knife slicer, which can cut meat rolls of different heights and widths at the same time.

3. Umshini wokusika amawundlu we-CNC 4-roll: Ungasika amawundlu angu-4 ngesikhathi esisodwa, inyama engu-100-200 kg ngehora, futhi ibhentshi lenziwe ngebhodi lepulasitiki le-organic eliqondene nokudla ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha kokudla kanye nenhlanzeko. Imiqulu yenyama ayidingi ukuchithwa. Isebenza ngokuqondile emshinini, futhi ingasika izinhlobo ezihlukahlukene zama-roll.

4. Isisiki esiyi-8-roll esilawulwa ngokwezinombolo: singasika amaroli angu-8 emvu ngesikhathi, uphephela oqondiswa kabili, ukuqhubekela phambili nokuhlehla okuzenzakalelayo, ukuphakama kommese kungu-20 cm, kungasika ama-slabs enyama yenkomo aqonde, alungise ukujiya ngaphandle. ukuma, futhi ingalungiswa ngokuvumelana nobukhulu obudingekayo. I-CNC switch inezela futhi ikhiphe ngokuzenzakalelayo.

Lamb slicers have different specifications and types, and the shape, quantity, and speed of the cut meat slices are also different. We can choose according to the purpose and use environment.

Introduction to the difference between different types of mutton slicers-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler