- 06
- Dec
How to use the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer to cut the mutton rolls?
Carane nggunakake mutton slicer frozen meat slicer to cut the mutton rolls?
1. Kaping pisanan, bungkus wedhus ing bungkus plastik lan lebokake ing kulkas kanggo beku.
2. Sawise daging babi wis rampung beku, njupuk metu saka panyimpenan kadhemen.
3. First use the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer to cut into the desired length and width.
4. Then use the mutton slicer frozen meat slicer to cut into thin slices. Note that when cutting the knife, it must be steady and fast, so that the cut mutton rolls are smooth and the thickness is consistent.
Different specifications of mutton slicer and frozen meat slicer have different cut mutton rolls. After the mutton is frozen, it is cut by machine. At the same time, make adjustments before using it to cut out a stylish and delicious mutton roll.