- 02
- Mar
Pangetahuan anu relevan ngeunaan bahan sareng fiksasi slicer daging beku
Relevant knowledge of material and fixation of slicer daging beku
1. Métode fiksasi jaringan leutik: Ieu métode ilahar dipaké. Jaringan leutik dipiceun tina sato ku slicer daging beku kudu geuwat disimpen dina fixative cair pikeun fiksasi. Biasana, babandingan spésimén jeung fiksatif nyaéta 1: 4~20;
2. Steam fixation method: For relatively small and thick specimens, osmium acid or formaldehyde vapor fixation method can be used. For blood smears, osmium acid or formaldehyde vapor should be used to fix the blood before drying;
3. Lamun maké slicer daging beku pikeun slicing, fixatives ilahar dipaké kami nyaéta 10% formaldehida fixative jeung 95% étanol fixative;
4. Injection and perfusion fixation method: some tissue blocks are too large or the fixative is difficult to penetrate into the interior, or the entire organ or the entire animal body needs to be fixed;
5. Adopt injection fixation or perfusion fixation method to inject the fixative into the blood vessel and reach the whole tissue and the whole body through the branch of the blood vessel, so as to obtain sufficient fixation.
Pikeun nyimpulkeun, pilihan sareng fiksasi slicers daging beku kedah nuturkeun sababaraha syarat. bagian béda boga syarat béda. Métode fixing béda merlukeun bahan béda jeung kaunggulan alam. Nya kitu, dumasar kana jinis bahan sareng ketebalan daging beku anu dipotong, bahanna tiasa dicandak sareng dibenerkeun.