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What are the preparations and inspections that need to be done before the frozen meat slicer is turned on?

What are the preparations and inspections that need to be done before the буридани гӯшти яхкардашуда is turned on?

1. Check that the safety device of the frozen meat slicer and the operation switches are normal.

2. Дар холати хуб будани сими электр, розетка ва розеткаро тафтиш кардан лозим аст.

3. Санҷед, ки оё буридани гӯшти яхкардашуда устувор аст ва қисмҳо фуҷуранд.

4. After confirming that there is no abnormality, start the trial operation, and then carry out the operation of the frozen meat slicer.

The blade of the frozen meat slicer is very sharp, so when preparing and checking the work, it is necessary to follow the correct operation method, focusing on checking the contact of its power cord and whether the various parts are loose.

What are the preparations and inspections that need to be done before the frozen meat slicer is turned on?-Буридани барра, буридани гӯшти гов, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов/гӯсфанд, мошини ресмони пӯшидани гӯшти гов, буридани бисёрфунксионалии сабзавот, мошини бастабандии хӯрокворӣ, заводи чинӣ, таъминкунанда, истеҳсолкунанда, яклухтфурӯш