- 20
- Apr
Summer maintenance of lamb slicer
Summer maintenance of pangiris lambe
Winter is the season for eating hot pot. Of course, eating hot pot requires the use of mutton slicers. It is frequently used in winter and can be maintained regularly. However, in summer, it is the off-season of using mutton slicers. How to maintain during the off-season?
1. When the mutton slicer is not in use, wipe the machine clean and cover it with a plastic cloth. Try not to contaminate the body, so as not to damage the internal components of the body.
2. Ganti lenga pelumas kanthi rutin. Slicer sing wis suwe ora digunakake kudu bisa ngganti lenga pelumas kanthi rutin. Yen lenga pelumas ora diganti, endapan lan impurities sing diasilake saka njero bakal ngalangi sirkuit lenga, sing bisa nyebabake bebaya sing didhelikake kanggo panggunaan ing mangsa ngarep.
3. Lading pangiris daging wedhus bisa dicopot lan dilebokake kanthi rata lan dilapisi lapisan minyak pelumas yen ora digunakake suwe.
4. When the season with high frequency of use is approaching, the lubricating oil should be replaced in advance. The machine can be left idling for a few minutes before slicing, and the machine can be fully operated and the lubricating oil can fully lubricate the internal parts of the machine before slicing and cutting the meat rolls. roll.
When the lamb slicing machine is used in summer, the used equipment must be cleaned out and placed reasonably to prevent the weather from being hot and the equipment itself will be damaged if it is not cleaned in time.