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Maitiro ekuita nekukasira kubviswa kwechando chekucheka nyama

Nzira yekubata nayo nekukasira kubviswa kwe chando chekucheka nyama

1. First, cut off the loose steel wire where the wire of the frozen meat slicer is broken, and leave two steel wire heads that are 10 cm longer than the distance between the guide wheels.

2. Shandisa sandpaper yakakasharara kuita jecha dhayamita yemativi maviri ewaya yesimbi kusvika pahafu kusvika pazvikamu zviviri muzvitatu zvewaya yesimbi yepakutanga, uye kureba kunofanira kunge kwakakura kupfuura masendimita mashanu. Shandisa sandpaper yakanaka kutsvedzerera pamusoro pewaya yesimbi, wobva washandisa doro kutsvedzerera pamusoro pewaya yesimbi. Geza waya mbiri dzesimbi dzakachena.

3. The two steel wire ends with sand removed 5 cm are overlapped and welded together. In this process, one end of the heavy steel wire is used to weld a steel wire. The two steel wire ends must be completely overlapped so that the steel wire cannot be lifted. Then use fine sandpaper to smooth the welding place of the mutton slicer and the frozen meat slicer, and then wash it with alcohol.

  1. The steel wire should have a long and loose section, and the loose section should be run to the guide rail. The welding head completely runs out of the guide pulley, and the length of a wire from the end of the guide pulley is divided by the groove distance of the guide pulley and multiplied by the length of one circle of the steel wire guide pulley.

Maitiro ekuita nekukasira kubviswa kwechando chekucheka nyama-Chicheka chegwayana, chekucheka nyama yemombe, muchina wetambo wegwayana/gwayana, muchina wetambo unopfeka nyama yemombe, Mucheka wakawanda wemuriwo unocheka, Muchina wekurongedza chikafu, China fekitori, mutengesi, mugadziri, mutengesi