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What are the finishing touches of the beef and mutton slicer?

What are the finishing touches of the нарэзка ялавічыны і бараніны?

1. Перастаньце рэзаць мяса. Пасля перамяшчэння працоўнай паверхні працягвайце замарожваць астатнюю ялавічыну і бараніну для наступнага выкарыстання і ачысціце рэшткі мяса на нарэзцы ялавічыны і бараніны.

2. Clean the tail and sides of the beef and mutton slicer.

3. Turn off the switch, cut off the power supply, handle the machine lightly when transporting it, and place it in the place to be stored. The finishing work of the whole beef and mutton slicer is completed.

Before the beef and mutton slicer is put away, do the finishing work, not only to facilitate the next use and improve the efficiency of the machine, but also to facilitate its preservation, so as to maintain its good performance and prolong its service life.

What are the finishing touches of the beef and mutton slicer?-Lamb slicer, beef slicer, lamb/mutton wear string machine, beef wear string machine, Multifunctional vegetable cutter, Food packaging machine, China factory, supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler